Do you ever have one of those days when you just think ‘why bother getting out of bed?” Especially if it happens to be the weekend and you don’t have anywhere to be.
Let me tell you about a day that wasn’t one of them!!

As always we were keeping a close eye on the forecast leading up to the weekend and it was looking good with Sunday showing what can almost be described as perfect Blokart sailing conditions. Of course forecasts can be wrong so it was a case of watch and wait.
Well the watching and waiting was worth it because the conditions didn’t disappoint.
Sunday morning dawned and as curtains were pulled back there was a glimps of tree tops moving but a whole lot of cloud hanging around. Time to get the trailer hooked up, scoff some breakfast, grab some fluid to take in the car, along with the normal bits and pieces that get loaded - tyres, tubes, spare parts that sort of thing.
The thirty minute drive to the Aerodrome was a chance to see how much breeze was actually around and to get a bit more excited about what might be. That cloud was still hanging about but the question was for how long with the wind building.
An hour later it was all go. Karts had been rigged with 4.0m sails and the first few pilots had headed out for a sail, and they looked quick as I looked across the field towards the runway. It wasn’t long before everyone was out there with big grins while also hanging on for what were some ‘meaty’ gusts blasting across the runway, and that cloud, well that had pretty much gone!!
It wasn’t long before there was a bit of a procession back to the parking area and the 4 metre sails were all packed away in favour of the slightly smaller 3 metre sail. However, once pilots made their way back out with their smaller sails the speeds increased and there was more than one or two ‘seat of your pants’ moments as a decent gust would hit just as the end of the runway approached quickly and pilots made full use of the perimeter track to bail off the runway as opposed to attempting a turn at full pace.
It was great to see some new faces out sailing, some for their first time (what a way to start your Blokart ownership!!) and some familiar faces that we haven't seen since before those 'lockdowns' were put in place.
By the end of the day there was much talk about top speeds (just short of 40mph) and the usual discussions about tyres, tyre pressures, tyre wear, what tweaks and hacks can be done to the ‘karts’ and just a general feeling of satisfaction of a great day sailing with mates. We even managed a few informal short races (no results kept, but I bet those who took part know how they did 😉) .

With more great weather forecast over the coming few weeks there’s more opportunity to come over to Finmere Aerodrome and join us for a day.
We know there are lots of Blokarts tucked away under the stairs, in garages and in sheds so why not get them out and reactivate the fun.
If you’ve never tried Blokart sailing before get in touch and if the wind is right you too can experience the thrill of sailing on land - Blokart style!!
Happy sailing and fair winds everyone....... we’ll hopefully see you out sailing soon 😎