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Unlike other dinghies, the Wētā is the boat everyone can use  – in any conditions – all in the one compact, easy package:
  • Take it out for a blast on your own and enjoy the stable speed

  • Appreciate the stability when taking out family and friends for fun

  • Safe for kids or adults to learn to sail

  • Can be raced either solo or 'two up' with a friend

  • Active race fleets around the world

Weta sailing with a friend

The Wētā is the “all fun, no-drama” boat – the stability of a trimaran means its really hard to capsize but easy to right in minutes if you do – without any assistance.


And with the new Self-Tacking Jib and Twin Tiller Extensions providing “hands-free” tacks and gybes, it’s now even easier to sail.

“One thing that makes the Wētā so attractive as a small trimaran model is its versatility. This little tri offers outstanding performance for the single sailor, an exciting ride for a couple, and a nice safe ride for a family with little children … all rolled into one little sailboat.” Joe Farinaccio (aka SmallTriGuy)

Weta Dinghy Features
Adrenawind Sports - The Home of Blokart and Weta in the UK
Weta Dinghy - A view from the edge
Blokart in the UK - Let's go racing
Weta Dinghy launching from the beach

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We're always happy to consider working with others. Maybe you have an event you would like us to attend, or a product you would like us to try, or a media idea that you think Blokart or Weta would be perfect for, or maybe something in mind that is completely out of this world?

Drop us a line and let's see if it's something we can help with.

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© 2024 AdrenawindSports

Blokart, 'b' and Blokart Racing logos are used with permission from Blokart International Ltd.

Wétá logos are used with permission from Weta Marine Ltd.

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